Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Help with blackheads please?

Im a guy and i have literally thousands lol of tiny tiny black heads on my nose. What can i do to get rid of them, they look horrible.

thankyou in adance!Help with blackheads please?
there are these nose strips form Biore have you tried using those and you can also use a blackhead cleanser. They usually sell these items at WalgreensHelp with blackheads please?
Baking soda if medications don't work..they often dont. scrub your face with baking soda about three times a week, keep it astringentized to keep the dead skin from making more black heads, and use baking soda once a week as a paste (mix it with warm water) and let it sit on them to soften the skin then they will loosen up and be easier to leave or you can easily pop a few of them without scarring or any evidence afterward if they are ready. Black heads are just dead skin that has dies underneath your new skin that has grown around it making it harder to go away and dark because it is dead. You gotta scrub to keep dead skin cells gone so anything that claims it scrubs away dead skin cells should work pretty good for prevention good luck!
You can buy pore strips (specifically for blackheads on your nose) I use Biore brand (for women) I don't know if they will work for males though. But you just wet you nose, and stick it on, then it dries like paper mache, then you pull it off slowly starting with the outside edges and working towards the middle. You can also buy face scrubs that might help. I hope this helps.
Go to a drugstore and go to the womens section. You'll find facial creme and hunreds of other products. Look for Biore in specific. I forget what its called, but you rind your nose with water and place this patch on your nose. Give it about 5 minutes, and you slowly peel it off. It picks all of the blackheads out. (Disgusting!) I do this to my husband, and his nose... or face is blackhead free!
biore strips

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