Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blackheads help me get RID of them?

I have blackheads on my chin, above my lip, and on my nose arrrghhh i hate them ive had them for like 3 years they WONT go, ive tryed steaming my face, using blackhead scrubs, everything! ive tryed squeezing them but there are to many and they are stubborn ones so its hard to get them out, im so embarrassed, i dont even wont to leave the house anymore pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help, what can i do ? Blackheads help me get RID of them?
I would try to find a dermatologist in your area and see him first. Next I would suggest you find a licensed estatician (someone who does deep cleansing facials). They can extract the blackheads without causing skin damage. Also you might want to try Proactive solution available over the internet or at some malls. Good Luck I have been there.Blackheads help me get RID of them?
first off, go have a facial. this will be slightly painful but i will get rid of immediate blackheads. then use a blackhead cleanser (clean and clear as the most effective one) every other day (or night, which is probably better). use an oil free moisturizer (the best are from neutrogena).

some simple things you can do is don't touch your face as often throughout the day! especially your nose. that is the quickest way to get dirt and grossness into your pores and cause blackheads. if they begin to pop up again, use pore strips to cleanse them away.
Buy a face scrub and use it several times a week. (don't use everyday because you don't want to overdry!) Then use an oilfree moisturizer.

Use the moisturizer everyday! I hope this helps.
1. See a dermatologist and ask them about Azelex cream- it is amazing and pregnant women can use it (if that is a consideration)

2. Daily, use a natural based light exfoliator with witch hazel in it

3. Use a toner with witch hazel and ginger to promote healthy skin

4. Change to mineral make-up

5. Get oxygen facials- if you go to a beauty school it is much cheaper and they have instructors watching.

6. Use a charcoal mask- Origins has a great one
I know there is a product which is like an adhesive that you pit on those areas then pull it out real quickly so all blackheads come out (its almost like waxing).

I cant remember the name, I used it a few times and it was very effective, but the blackheads would always come back after a couple of weeks, so its not something you can do only once.

I remembered, the name is a pore cleansing strip. You should try it out, it really works.
What you need is a good exfoliating scrub, and you can also go get a facial and they squeeze them all out. Don't squeeze them yourself, you'll make it worse. And DON'T use adhesive strips, I used it once and it gave me an abrasion that took a week to go away. It is painful and not a very effective way to get rid of them.
I don't think there is one simple solution. Here are some pages with some suggestions.

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