Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does washing your fash a lot help fight acne and blackheads?

does soap help ?Does washing your fash a lot help fight acne and blackheads?
Drink orange juice before you wash your face. It opens up the pores so it's easier to get the oil out and other stuff.Does washing your fash a lot help fight acne and blackheads?
yes it does it might not clear them completely and it might it just depends on your skin i mean i wash and exfoliate my skin everyday but still get pimples when the time comes :( just be such sure to exfoliate often not too much though! if your not exfoliating you need to still be washing and a mask once a week helps alot! Always be sure to use a good moisturizer because if you dont it just causes the skin to dry out, and cause more pimples:( what also helps is a toner after wwashing and a good acne cream i suggest nutrogena :)
Washing your face too often does exactly the opposite.

Your skin has essential oils and nutrients in it which protect it from harmful sun, chemicals and other elements. Washing all the protection away leaves your most delicate skin open for attack. Drying your face out by over-washing also leads to breakouts because there is no oil in your pores protecting them from harm. You can (and likely will) suffer sun damage and possibly skin cancers to the face if you wash away all the protective barriers.

Use a mild cleanser every morning and night and for breakouts, use an acne medication.
Yes, silly.

Cleanliness and it's delightfully wondrous effects should be common knowledge!

I was told by a dermatologist that washing your face more than twice a day is actually bad if you have acne - I think it could dry out the skin, though I'm not sure. Twice a day is the best amount.

Soap is good, though don't use moisturisers if you have acne as they make your skin greasy I think - I remember my GP saying that moisturisers are only good if you have perfect skin!
If you have acne its a deeper infection and while washing can stop blocked pores and blackheads you need medication such as steroids or antibiotics to combat the deeper spots associated with acne. Don't pick - it causes scaring and see your doctor to get meds to stop it developing. :)

EDIT: Can I repeat do not pop them as it just spreads infection!
washing your face does help a lot to fight acne and blackheads. soap does not though. it dries out your skin. the only soap that works is soap made especially for your face. that won't dry your skin out
Well ofcourse hun!'s the best for ioly skin...not soap for the hands..facial ones..%26lt;3
yep, that's the best way. Washing your face helps exfoliate the skin and keep pores clean, also preventing blackheads. you could also try an acne wash.
It does, but to a certain extent.

First it depends on your gender . If you are female your acnes are more likely because of hormonal level changes , also it depends on the kind of your acnes, if they look to be bags under the skin they are related to hormones but if they are small they can be because of the OILY skin which can go away by washing.

Try to wash your face the times that you are not going to be exposed to the sun or dirty air etc .

The best time to fully exfoliate your face and wash it thoroughly is before sleeping so that your skin takes a rest.
actually it will make it much worse. Washing your face a lot will dry it out, which will in turn cause your skin to produce more sebum, which will make your face more oily and cause it to get worse. You just need to wash it twice a day and make sure you use an oil free lightweight moisturizer because if you don't it will do the same thing. acne is quite a battle. there is a product line called aubrey organics and they have an acne line and it is a great line if you would like to try it. You have to be using the right products on your face or it really won't do much for you. packing on the cheap products with tons of fillers and preservatives is not going to help your skin at all. Aubrey organics is all natural. Also if your using cheap makeup stop, washing your face and then piling on tons of cheap makeup to coverup the mess your face wash is creating of your face is not the way to go. Try to use a mineral makeup. Because it doesn't clog your pores. It is actually good for your face. But make sure it is a truly natural mineral makeup, and not one just claiming to be. Jane Iredale is a really good line. And while these lines I have told you are a little pricier than what you would find in a drugstore they are not that expensive, and it is worth it to have beautiful skin. Just buy one thing at a time if you have to, every little bit counts. hope this helps.
Over washing can make your skin dry, so your oil glands will go crazy and produce more oil which will clog up pores even more. Do the cleanse, tone, moisturize routine and make sure the moisturizer is a light and thin one.

Steam your face occasionally too to open your pores, only squeeze the spots when they are 'ripe' and put some anti bacterial gel on it after.

Drink lots of water too =] if this doesn't work see your doctor or a dermatologist.

Good luck =]
anything is better then nothing. acne is caused when oil from your face gets into your pores and clogs them causing a zit. wash your face like 3 times a day, or when your face starts to feel oily and when zits come, POP THEM! popping them also gets rid of the puss that causes them less puss=less zits :)

you can get perscription face wash and face cream with benzoyl peroxide in it and that really helps too but it's hard on your face and will make it dry.

Yes, having a clean face will help avoid acne, but just be sure to keep your face moisturized as well. Washing too much (especially with just soap) can try your skin out, causing even more problems. depends i guess on the skin type. if u ALREADY HAVE acne and blacheads, then no, i wouldnt wash it ';a lot'; cause it will just irritate it. get special face wash for each of the things: acne, blackheads. they make products made specifically for those things. but that if if u already have them. but to prevent them, well i guess the products i just talked about could help. it depends on what brand/product it is. once u get your face clear, to prevent them and make your complexion better and prevent the two of these things, i suggest using a wet rag and just scrubbing your face with it twice a day if you don't want to buy products because you need to use something, not gritty, but sorta rough to get into your pores.

hope this helps :)
actually you should not wash it so much, when skin is washed too often you remove the natural oils and cause more breakouts, i suggest washing with a mild cleanser such as cetaphil,then use witch hazel as your astringent. drink lots of water ,and try not to touch your face to often.
soap dries out your skin and if you wash your skin too much, it could irritate your skin and the acne could get worse...
not really,you need an anti-acne medication,you might try proactive my friend uses it,and it works

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