Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Help ive got really bad blackheads on my nose and face ive tried everything?

from face scrubs,patches,creams and they just seem to be getting worse and i dont no how to get rid of them. i wash my face twice a day i always take my make off before bed and moisturise dailyHelp ive got really bad blackheads on my nose and face ive tried everything?
im more interested in the answers to this; than probably really helping you.

The only I've recently discovered ( i get them on my nose) is, After you was your face, with warm water and face wash, and your skin is soft..

You can sometimes pop them like zits, a finger on each side.. and get puss or the black head to come out.

Sorry for detail. Just trying to explain. haha.

Your skin will turn red for a while.. Dont worry it'll go away! But I recommend you wait till you're going to bed.Help ive got really bad blackheads on my nose and face ive tried everything?
maybe ur skin is just like that, and u cant change it. cuz some ppl just have silky smooth skin and some have others. dirt and bacteria are formed, so somethin simple like touching ur face wit dirty hands create the them or even what u eat, but it really depends on the person and genetics.
Hi I had the exact same problem. Oil and water DON'T MIX! What you do put hot water on a cloth and steam your face. This will open the pores. Then clean your face with a home remedies (I don't recommend face washes because depending on your skin type they don't always work) then clean your face with the home remedie. Keep it on for the amount of time the home remedie says. Then wash your face with a cloth and COLD WATER. If you use hot water the pores will open up again cold water closes them

TADA.................... Blackheads will be gone

Continue this procedure at least every second or third day because no matter what you do there is always going to be blackheads on you somewhere!
you may be overwashing your face.
have you ever tried soaking it in warm/hot water for a couple minutes?

i used to have blackheads..i still do, but not as much..i just pretty much soaked in warm/hot water for a while..and the blackheads would literally just fall out. it was great.

also..i heard that if you don't wanna soak your face in warm/hot water, you could always go to a really good sauna...and just sit in there for a while...

best thing about a sauna is that its heat will open up your pores...allowing your dirt and grime inside your pores to literally drip out.

tip:make sure you shower GOOD after a sauna,as you will have dirty yuck stuff all over.

i plan to do a sauna at least twice a week.

one more thing..

when you open up your pores, they will have to close up eventually and rather than letting it close naturally, use cool/ cold water to rinse and close your pores back up. this will allow no more dirt to get back in.

be patient with your face..and GOOD LUCK.

i know what you are going through!! and i'm still fighting it!!

it works lol
How about exfoliating scrub?

You can buy apricot scrub from the drug store or walmart. It's not expensive.
Just try using a normal soap like Imperial leather or one of the other makes rather than scrubs and creams,you will find one that takes the oil off of your face and it will help..Had the same problems myself with blackheads over the years and I have found that the PH level in the soaps do matter with washing the oils away
Perhaps your moisturiser is too old? I heard that if there is bacteria in your products they can cause black heads.

If it isnt that, I definetly suggest getting these nose / chin / forehead strips specifically made for getting rid of blackheads. Mine are Biore , and you put one on every 3 days, and its like 10 dollars (canada) for 8 strips. You just read the label, and you leave it on for like, 20 minutes. Not only does it help so much over time, but your skin feels SUPER soft afterwards.
Do you touch your face a lot? Maybe without noticing? I was doing this and got a lot of spots on my chin area...try to keep a check on this..and wash your hands a lot ...get some antibacterial spray too..blackheads are trapped dirt...so much of this comes off fingers.

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