Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to remove blackheads? Help!!?

Okay, I've got 4 blackheads on the side of my nose, they look so ugly. I've tried Clean %26amp; Clear, Clearasil, Nutrogena and loads of other stuff but nothing seems to work.

Can I pull them out with tweezers or is there any natural homemade stuff I can put on them?

Also after a while do they just dissapear?

And how do they appear in the first place?

What can I do to prevent them coming back?

Help! xHow to remove blackheads? Help!!?
TRY the blakhead eraser by clean and clear


TRY neutregena wave (i have this one it good)How to remove blackheads? Help!!?
Buy a blackhead extractor from

Revlon or Sephora:鈥?/a>

It's about $8 - $15 depending

where you go.

They don't ';just disappear'; unless

you're doing something to remove them

and they appear because of clogged pores.

To prevent them from coming back you

should use a facial scrub about twice a week,

try St. Ives.
the best way is to have them removed by a dermatologist. going to the derma, at least twice a month will keep your face clear from anything.

blackheads actually appear when your pores are clogged with dirt.make sure you use non-comendogenic make up and always cleanse your face before bed time and during the morning to prevent blackheads.
ha ha, there annoying things black heads! i wouldn't recommend tweezers, you can try and see for yourself.

if they are there then squeeze them out, push the sides in towards the blackhead, can be sore but if u leave it for half an hour try again can loosen them

after that i would use the clean and clear black head remover to keep them away does work has exfoliating stuff in it. all the best with the squeezing. (sometimes leaving them can make them easier to come out compaired when there just fresh lol)
Blackheads are a form of acne...i had really bad whiteheads...but this will also do the trick for your blackheads!!!! =)

My skincare routine:

Cleanser: Basis....this is just a bar of soap that matches your pH level of your it wont dry out your face(if you don't use moisturizer though it will) This cleanser seems simple and it is not meant to fight acne...but in a sense it really cleans your face well without drying out your face...i didnt believe my mom when she recomended it...but man does it work wonders

Toner: Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner...really any toner you prefer is ok...but this it the one i use. Start from the top of your face and go towards the temples...aslo with cheeks...go towards the temples...then on chin go in circular motions only(not making it up...this is what you are supposed to do whenever applying anything to your face) This will take off the dead skin and make your pores smaller(helps with the dirt getting in) It also leaves face really smooth and nice looking!!!!

Moisturizer : Sheer Cover Oil Free Moisturizer...again any moisturizer will be good...just as long as it is oil free, made for the face, does not have any acne fighting agents in it. Dot it all over face then apply just like i said with the toner. Moisturizing can really halp fighting the acne. Did you know that dry skin is actually a cause for acne and pimples? The dry skin will actually clog your pores and therefore cause a breakout. Dont listen to people saying you just need to dry your face out...its a lie.

Facial scrub: Oatmeal and Sugar....seriously...this is the BEST scrub i have ever had....just take oatmeal and grind it into a powder and the add Sugar( more Sugar if you want more of a scrub...less if you just want something soothing) then add a little water and make like a paste( not too thick and not too thin) Rub on your face for like 3 minutes then rinse with warm water...put moisturizer on right afterward and your face will feel so refreshed and soft!!!!! Do it about once a week. Dont rub too hard or you will damage face. The oatmeal is for sootheing for face of redness and dry skin. The sugar is for exfoliation.

Steam your face for about 5 to 10 minutes a week. Mousturize right after you steam. This will open your pores and get all the dirt and grim out. It also helps with dryness. Dont steam and use the scrub on the same day. It is best to use it on seperate days. Dont ask me why...just figured it out. =)

I suffer a little more from dry skin...but yet it can get oily at times...but with this routine has been great....and now i don't have a single blemish or patch of dry skin!!!!! It is amazing!!!!! Do this routine( excluding the scrub and steam) twice a day. Your skin will clear up...but in about a week or two your face will break out and that is a good sigh. This is because all of the dirt is getting out of your skin. Just keep with it and it will pay off in the long run...i have great skin right now(used to have horrible skin...i could have seriously been on one of those acne comercials it was so bad)...but now i have stuck with this routine and my skin is now soft and smooth!!!!!!!


Vitamin E(taking it and also rubing on face) is really good for your skin

Olive oil is also good(rubbing on face...wamred...rinsed with warm water

Taking fish oil is also good

Try not to touch your pushes the dirt into your face
You can a blackhead remover, its a little metal thing with a tiny round head, with a hole in, you put the hole over the spot and press it down. The idea is the spot will come out of the hole, and you dont get yuk all over the place!!

Try Squeezing Them Then Apply Raw Lemon Juice Before You Sleep nd Wash It Off When You Wake Up
The best thing for black heads is to do a facial suana this will open facial pours

(to do the facial sauna you do this by filling your sink with boiling hot water and then leaning over the sink with a towel over your head just like you would to get rid of a flu or you could just bye a facial sauna from a beauty shop.)

Then once you have done this you would have to was ur face and then thoroughly wash the soap off then you have to splash your face to close your pours. this would have got ridd of all the dirtt that was trapped under the skin which causes black heads.

Also Do Not use any alchol facial washes

and squeezing your skin is not the best way for it

you can be left with scars


your face is left very sore

i should know as i am an acne sufferer
As one of the evil cousins of Acne, Blackheads are especially distasteful due to their black nature 鈥?hence the name blackheads.

Blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in duct of the sebaceous glands. This can be due to excess make-up or an excess build up of oil (secreted from the face). The excess accumulation causes the natural bacteria to multiply and cause the blackhead to appear. The substance found in these bumps consists of sebum and keratin. As the sebum and keratin oxidize (a process in which atoms have their oxidation number changed) they darken, often times resembling and collecting dirt and foreign particles from the air.

Blackheads are not always black, though most of the time the form of acne vulgaris which is identified as blackheads, portray the characteristics of actual black coloration, blackheads can also take the form of a yellowish bump along the skin.

Due to the natural effects of adolescence, where the glands of the face are enlarged due to different levels of hormones, teens are often the ones with the most blackheads. Unfortunately, as one passes through puberty and on through the rest of his or her life, blackheads still may occur. Just as with any case of acne, there are treatments for blackheads.

Since blackheads are caused by the excess accumulation of oils, make-up, or air-born dirt and grime, most of the treatments involve the removal and/or reversal of the introduced agent. Other treatments and medications help to change the composition of the skin so they are not so susceptible to the harmful effects of the outside environment.
Don't squeeze them! Bad will make your nose red! Try the Blackhead's made by Clean %26amp;'s amazing!
squeeze them.

To stop them coming back you have to wash your face thoroughly %26amp; make sure you rinse all of the soap out
People with blackheads on their face usually want to know some home remedy about how to stop them from destroying their outer appearance. Nobody wants the presence of these grains on the face but somehow they attack your beautiful face. Basically, they are pores that become clogged due to the presence of excess oil on the face.

They are caused by overactive sebaceous glands as they are the oil producing glands of the skin. So, in order to get rid of them you can try some home remedy to remove blackheads which successfully treat and cure them. Some of the home remedy to remove blackheads are:

* Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat your blackheads. This can also be used to remove whiteheads

and acne scars.

* Apply the paste of ground reddish seeds with water

on your blackheads.

* Apply epsom salt and iodine mix with warm water on the blackheads.

* Using green tea as a facial scrub helps in loosening blackheads.

So, these are some of the home remedies for treating blackheads and making the skin acne free but these are just few amongst many.

Also, some creams, lotions and gels are used to treat blackheads but they are being less commonly used as these home remedies act as a natural treatment for treating blackheads. So, home remedy to remove blackheads are more commonly used by millions of people.

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