Tuesday, December 22, 2009

HELP i need to get rid of blackheads fast!!!?

school starts on september 8th for me and i need to get rid of blackheads on my chin, nose and forehead. natural remedies would be great cuz im 14 and cant go buy stuff and starting high school THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!HELP i need to get rid of blackheads fast!!!?
Take a piece of lemon and rub gently on your face for 3 minutes.Leave for 15 minutes then wash with warm water. Now take Sandalwood powder and make a thin paste with water and apply on face firmly. Leave overnight. Wash in the morning with warm water. Repeat daily. Follow some more things to get good result.

drink minimum 4 to 5 liters of water daily.

wash your face 3 times with lukewarm water.

reduce oil, fat, spices, junk food, tea or coffee, cold drinks in your diet.

use more green vegetables and fresh fruits.

always have a light dinner.

This will solve your problem. If you want to know more about more recipes and skin care products, visit the source site.HELP i need to get rid of blackheads fast!!!?
If you're looking for a quick, natural remedy, pop them. Then wash them with antibacterial soap (or an exfoliating scrub) with ice cold water. That will close up the pores after you get the blackheads out so no more will form.

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