Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A simple question about blackheads, help plz ?

is it possible to have blackheads on ur cheeks and lip-line?

any information would be a great help.. !

thank youA simple question about blackheads, help plz ?
yup.A simple question about blackheads, help plz ?
Yes they are caused by excess of sebaceous glands (the oil producing glands of the skin). The excess secretion of oil expands and thickens the pores of the skin. The oil collects in the pores and develops into a cyst or swelling. The pores are then blocked with hardened sebum or oil. Since the pores are open, the tip of the blocked grease is exposed to the air and oxidizes, turning black. Hence, blackheads are formed. Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
yes, i get them on my cheeks a lot when my face gets oily. wash your face more often if u get them a lot. i dont know about the lip line.

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