Friday, January 8, 2010

Acne. Zits. Blemish. Blackheads. HELP?

So lately, i've been getting a lot of zits and i want them GONE. what's a good product that's cheap, one that i can buy at like walmart or a drug store.Acne. Zits. Blemish. Blackheads. HELP?
Toothpaste and water. I'm serious!

Before you go to bed, wash your face with a cleanser, then dab toothpaste on the trouble areas. Models and actors do this.

Also, drinking lots of water clears your skin.

For a long term solution, you'll probably need to see a dermatologist.

Sorry there's no clear cut answer, but if there were a cheap, permanent way to clear your skin, thet product would be dominating the market.

.Acne. Zits. Blemish. Blackheads. HELP?
Witch Hazel
St Ives Apricot Scrub with Blackhead formula works great and it's inexpensive.

I know this sound gross but I use it on my hubbys but ans back cuz he gets lots of ingrown hairs and blackheads there and it has really helped.
The only products that have worked for me have been all-natural stuff, like Burt's Bees. This stuff, however, isn't the least expensive stuff, but it has amazing results. Most of the chemical products only make your skin worse.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
Cethaphil! especially because this one doesnt dry out your skin at all, also they have the lotion too. USE BOTH!
The vaccines your mom took you to get when you were a baby screwed up your immune system permanently. Acne breakouts are actually another inflammatory condition that have to do with the way your stress hormones interact with your immune system. It's like a disease, you can only treat the symptoms but you'll never cure the root cause.

We will live with it well into our 50's with tons of scars and there's nothing we can do about it.

PROACTIVE (as advertised on tv) really works, takes about 2 weeks and you will see a difference in your skin.......continue using it and it makes your skin look so smooth, healthy, young, and vibrant. It helps to close the pores. It even killed my facial moles, that use to appear, drop off, and regrow.....every now and then........I can swear by it, because I have been using it since last year. If they asked me to,.........I would even do a commercial for them............It's Great! Use it twice a day, everyday....non stop! Thats the only way its really going to work!
Cetaphil. Either the soap or cream, both work very well.
wash your face and use peroxide, put a little on a cotton ball or even a piece of a paper towel, it should clean up in 2 -3 days.

OH, and stay away from greasy food like french fries...I don't think chocolate affects them one way or the other....
If you鈥檙e looking for accurate acne information, best to see a dermatologist. Some people believe doctors are predisposed to take the easy way to deal with acne鈥?prescription drugs. But, with many, this simplistic answer may not be the appropriate course of action. Some feel that such prescription drugs just treat the symposium and not the underlying cause. But, a local dermatologist is still your best starting point.

For me personally, I discovered a great informational acne treatment site. Not only is there good information/articles but I got their audio e-book and following it鈥檚 advice can now say that my acne is a thing of the past! Keep in mind, were all different and there are various types of acne, so what works for some may not be totally effective for all.

Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck.

Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:





Take zinc vitamen everyday before you go to bed.

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