Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do facil masks help treat blackheads?

in about how many days or weeks do you start seeing a improvment by using facil masks? =) thanksDo facil masks help treat blackheads?
facial masks help strip off dead skin cells and open the clogged pores so eventually, the blackheads will gradually fade off as new cells are exposed.

The duration depends on your skin type, the density of the blackheads and you have to be consistent with it.

Mark kay microdermabrasion set works with immediate results seen.Do facil masks help treat blackheads?
facial masks are meant to do for duration it depends on the product and your skin type
yes they do help
if you want to get rid of black heads I suggest using either Biore or Ponds Pore Strips.. They work wonderfully. You just take it off the clear plastic tape and wet the shiny side with water.. Now if you have deep or older blackheads instead of water using some astringent like clearasil and wait till the pore strip is hard like a potato chip and then peel it off you will see instant results.. trust me I use them every other week. and they are gentle as well.

** also, when buying them there is usually a $1 off coupon in the box.

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