Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Will steaming help with blackheads?? just need advice for blackheads in general?

My daughter has problems with blackheads especially on her nose and around the lips. will steaming help to clear these a little bit??

anything else we can do to get rid of these tricky things??Will steaming help with blackheads?? just need advice for blackheads in general?
Steaming should work if you scrub also. Before your daughter goes to bed rub some witch hazel on the area, this will make the blackheads come to the surface, then steam and scrub once more.Will steaming help with blackheads?? just need advice for blackheads in general?
1. Cleanse

You should apply a gentle cleanser in a circular motion using the pads of your fingertips. Rinse and gently blot your face dry with a towel.

2. Steam

Fill a bowl with hot steaming water and cover your head with a towel while placing your face over the bowl for 2 minutes. After the 2 minutes, dry your face gently with a clean towel.

3. Exfoliate

Apply the scrub in a circular motion using the pads of your fingertips. Rinse well and blot gently with a towel.

4. Mask

Use a Mask.

5. Toner

Use a Toner.

6. Moisturize

Spray water on skin then apply the moisturizer sparingly, using a gentle touch.

Paste of Yogurt and Banana

Mix one or two bananas in 6.6 oz yogurt and mash it until it begins to look like a paste. After washing face apply this paste before sleeping.

Tomato Remedy

Blend 1 tomato, 1 tsp. lemon juice, and 1 Tbsp instant style oatmeal until just combined, in a paste. Apply to blemished skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay in place. Leave in place 10 minutes. Remove with damp washcloth.

Banana Mask

Peel the skin off and mash the whole banana. Apply on all over your face and relax for 30 minutes. Then rinse using warm water.

Elmer's Glue

Use Elmer's glue on your face to get rid of blackheads. Simply apply the glue to your face and peel off when dry.


and use scrubs like once a week, or those blackhead removing things(the ones that you rip off after it dries)and i know that biore has really good blackhead stuff

Bacon grease sounds disgusting, but rubbing this oily substance on your face will make your skin smoother and smell FANTASTIC!

Here's what to do: 1.) After cooking a hardy breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and bacon, store your leftover bacon grease in ice cube trays and pop the tray(s) in the freezer. 2.) Use the frozen cubes of lard in your bathtub or suck on them for a midnight snack! 3.) Use your leftover fat-cubes to rub on your pores, creating a gentle oily massage. This, along with never washing with soap, will work WONDERS for your skin! :-)
oh yes. tell her to steam her face then exfoliate

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