Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pimples/Acne/Blackheads Help...Nose!!?

So I finished my shower, and I was looking it the mirror, and then I saw my nose, which looked pretty clean, I always squeeze my nose when its warm (shower) so I can get blackheads out. So I squeeze the tip of the nose, just above it kindof... and then I guess something comes out and the next thing I know its all red! Its like a patch of something red just pasted my nose! I don't know how to remove it, or what to do! Please help! I have school tomorrow and there's no way Ill survive this!! Please!!Pimples/Acne/Blackheads Help...Nose!!?
Just take a steam bath!

It will be fine!Pimples/Acne/Blackheads Help...Nose!!?
It's ok, this isn't the end of the world or anything. Breathe, hun.

Alright, you should put some ic on it right now to make the redness go away so you can see what you have. When you squeeze your skin, it always kind of inflames or grows (don't know how to say that right). Usually, in about ten minutes, it goes away. The ice will make it go away faster.

If you made yourself break out or something, that's still ok. If in an hour you still have the patchy skin, put toothpaste on it before bed and leave it on overnight. In the morning, cover it up with concealer. Problem solved.

Hope I helped.
You'll survive just fine. The redness will fade overnight. If it's swollen, put some ice on it (20 min on/ 20 min off). Don't pick at it anymore, you'll just make it worse. If it's still there in the morning, use a little concealer.


use cover up .

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